24 сентября 2019 г. в 13:10 состоится семинар лаборатории Теоретической электродинамики конденсированного состояния (под рук. д.ф.-м.н. А.Л. Рахманова) на тему "Mesoscopic Stoner instability in open quantum dots: suppression of Coleman-Weinberg mechanism

Адрес: ИТПЭ РАН, ул. Красноказарменная, 17а (вход с ул. Лапина 17а), ком. 513
The mesoscopic Stoner instability is interesting phenomenon of symmetry breaking in isolated metallic quantum dots which exists due to competition between the single-particle energy and Heisenberg exchange interaction. To study this phenomenon in the presence of coupling to a reservoir we compute the spin susceptibility of electrons on the quantum dot for different values of tunnel coupling and temperature. Our results suggest the existence of the quantum phase transition at the critical value of the tunneling coupling which is determined by the Stoner-enhanced exchange interaction. This quantum phase transition is manifestation of suppression of the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism of symmetry breaking by tunneling to the reservoir.